A four colour any-pixel-addressable video mode for the Master System
Wednesday, 4th August 2021
The video display processor in the Sega Master System is derived from the TMS9918A and provides a number of different screen modes. These modes are mostly character-based and generate the picture that is displayed on your TV based on two blocks of data in video RAM: the name table, which specifies which character appears in each cell on the screen and the pattern generator which contains the pixel data for each character.
TMS9918A "Text" mode
The "Text" mode is probably the most straightforward example. Only two colours can be displayed on the screen; a foreground and a background colour, both selected from a fixed palette of 15 colours. The name table is 40 cells wide and 24 tall. Each cell, or text position, is a single byte that refers to one of 256 patterns in the pattern generator, so the complete name table is 960 bytes long. Each character is displayed as 6×8 pixels but the data in the pattern generator is eight pixels wide, and each row is stored as a single byte with a set bit selecting the foreground colour and a cleared bit selecting the background colour (the two least-significant bits are ignored). Each character pattern therefore takes up 8 bytes of VRAM, or 2,048 bytes (2KB) for a complete set of 256.
The "Graphics I" mode changes the character size to be the full 8×8 pixels at the expense of the number of characters that can be displayed per line; this is reduced from 40 to 32, so the name table is now 32×24 and 768 bytes long. The pattern generator is the same size as before and you can still only display 256 unique patterns on-screen at a time, but there is at least some provision for colour. The top five bits of the character/pattern number are used as an index into a 32-byte colour table, where each colour table entry contains two four-bit values corresponding to the foreground and background colours for the pattern. This means that patterns 0-7 share the same two colours, patterns 8-15 have the next set of two colours, 16-23 after that and so on; 256 patterns, in groups of eight with a different pair of colours assigned to each of those 32 groups.
TMS9918A "Graphics II" mode
Fortunately, the TMS9918A is a revised version of the original TMS9918 which adds the much more useful "Graphics II" mode. The name table is the same as before, 32×24 cells of one byte each, and the patterns are still 8×8 pixel bitmaps. However the pattern generator table is now three times the size, storing 768 unique 8×8 patterns in 6KB. To be able to address all 768 patterns when you can only store values from 0-255 in the name table the screen is divided into three sections; the top third references the first 2KB of the pattern generator (patterns 0-255), the middle third references the second 2KB of the pattern generator (patterns 256-511) and the bottom third references the last 2KB of the pattern generator (patterns 512-767). This allows every single character position in the nametable to reference a unique pattern, and therefore have a bitmap that covers the entire screen area.
The colour table has also been significantly improved. Instead of one pair of colours for each group of eight patterns, each pattern now gets its own table of colour pairs, one per row. This doesn't allow every pixel on the screen to have its own colour, but you can at least give each 8×1 region its own pair of colours. This does lead to attribute clash when drawing; you can see this in the screenshot of the cones above, where the colour from some lines bleeds into the colour set for nearby lines if they happen to pass through the same 8×1 pixel block.
Very few Master System games use the TMS9918A video modes (F16 Fighting Falcon seems to be about the only concrete example), instead using a new video mode added specifically for the Master System. This has a number of nice new features (such as hardware scrolling and two user-definable 16-colour palettes instead of a fixed 15-colour one), but it's the name table and pattern generator that's of main interest. Instead of having a separate bitmap for the pattern and its colour table, each pattern is now a 32 byte object where each 8 pixel row is encoded as four bytes, one byte for each bit of the four-bit colour palette index. That is, if you wanted to store the top row of a pattern where the leftmost pixel was set to palette index 1, the rightmost pixel was set to palette index 15 and everything else was left as 0 it would be stored like this:
.db %10000001 .db %00000001 .db %00000001 .db %00000001
The second row would then follow with another four bytes, all the way down to the bottom row for the complete 32 byte pattern. This scheme allows you to set each pixel in every pattern to any of the sixteen colours per palette, so if you could fill the screen with such patterns then it would be possible to set any pixel on the screen to any of sixteen colours, solving the attribute clash problem. Unfortunately, to do so would take 768 patterns (32×24), and if each pattern is 32 bytes then that would take up 24KB of video RAM. The Master System only has 16KB of video RAM, which would limit you to 512 patterns, so it's not possible to fill the screen with unique patterns. In practice you can't even have 512 patterns, as you still need to store the name table in video RAM, and as each name table entry has been inflated to two bytes (which does at least let you index pattern numbers above 255 without splitting the screen into thirds as per the Graphics II scheme) that leaves even less room for patterns.
In practice you are limited to 448 patterns, which is not enough to cover the screen. As you will generally start from a blank screen and then add to it, the name table could be filled with blanks by default and then as you draw over the screen of it new patterns could be allocated as required. This is how the graphics currently work in the 16-colour Master System video mode, and it allows for colourful drawings with no colour clash as long as you don't fill too much of the screen.
Cautious use of the 16-colour Master System mode
That's the mode the sphere above is rendered in; you can see there's fine detail at its North pole without becoming subject to colour clash and it doesn't fill so much of the screen that we ran out of unique patterns to allocate. As it would be very bad to run out of patterns when attempting to draw text the character set (the 96 characters from 32-127) are permanently allocated as unique patterns which further reduces us to 352 tiles for graphics output.
It's possible to constrain the graphics viewport via VDU 24 to a smaller region which would ensure you never needed more than 352 tiles, as long as your new viewport was properly aligned to the 8×8 grid. For example, 22×16=352 which means that you could have a 176×128 pixel graphics window that you could draw to without risking running out of patterns.
Colour clash in Graphics II (left) versus running out of tiles in Master System Mode (right)
The two screenshots above show the trade-off between colour clash in Graphics II and corruption due to running out of patterns in the 16-colour Master System graphics mode, both caused by running this program:
10 INPUT "Mode",M% 20 MODE M% 30 FOR I%=0 TO 47 40 GCOL 0,I% 50 X%=(I%/47)*1279 60 Y%=(I%/47)*959 70 MOVE X%,0 80 DRAW 1279,Y% 90 DRAW 1279-X%,959 100 DRAW 0,959-Y% 110 DRAW X%,0 120 NEXT I% 130 REPEAT:UNTIL INKEY(0)=-1 140 REPEAT:UNTIL INKEY(0)<>-1
Having to worry about your pattern budget isn't really in the spirit of fun and experimentation. If we're up against hardware and memory limitations I'd rather have a slightly less capable video mode that does at least generate correct output however you use it.
It is possible to completely avoid colour clash if you use the Graphics II mode and simply never use any colour commands, but only having two colours is a bit drab. With a bit of tinkering I came up with another graphics mode that is still using the Master System mode, but reduces the number of colours down to 4. Quite fittingly, a lot of BBC Micro screen modes only supported four physical colours, so I set this new mode to use the same black/red/yellow/white palette by default:
Four colours on-screen at once, no clash and no corruption
In fact, the palette is the whole key to this solution. You may recall that the Master System mode supports two 16-colour palettes. Usually one is assigned as the "background" palette and the other as the "sprite" palette, however each entry in the name table contains a flag that lets you specify which palette the selected pattern should be shown with. In this new video mode, the top half of the screen is assigned to patterns 0-383 using the "background" palette, and the bottom half of the screen is assigned to the same set of patterns 0-383 but to use the "sprite" palette. The palette is then filled with four colours, like this:
Using all 32 palette entries to display four colours on screen simultaneously
The top row is the "background" palette and shows the four desired colours repeating in order four times. The bottom row is the "sprite" palette, and shows that each of the four colours is stretched to fill four consecutive palette entries. This use of repetition effectively turns two bits in each pattern's bitplanes into "don't care" values, depending on which palette is selected.
For example, assume we're in a pattern assigned to the "background" (top) palette and we want to display red. This is colour %01, but as the red entry is repeated we could use use any of colours %0001, %0101, %1001 or %1101 and they'll all come out red – we don't care about the top two bits.
Alternatively, we could be in a pattern assigned to the "sprite" (bottom) palette and want to display yellow. This is colour %10, but it fills the entire palette block from %1000 to %1011, so again we don't care what the lower two bits are, just what the top two bits are.
Using this somewhat redundant palette, we can pack two different four-colour patterns for different parts of the screen into a single sixteen-colour pattern. It's a shame that a halving in bit count ends up quartering the number of colours but I think it's an acceptable solution considering the hardware limitations.