Getting it to work

Wednesday, 16th November 2005


I'm sure you wouldn't want to use a keyboard that was inaccurate. Unfortunately, (as you might have seen me moaning in the past) the keyboard generates the clock signal. This basically means you need to be constantly checking the clock line to see if it goes low - that or use a hardware interrupt the jumps in and receives the scancode packet when the keyboard decides you want to stop sending something.

Well, I don't have the luxury of an extra keyboard chip or a hardware interrupt, so I needed to don my thinking cap. I had thought that one possible way around this would be to send a "disable" command to the keyboard after receiving bytes, running my handler code, then sending an "enable" command - these commands clear the keyboard's buffer, unfortunately, which is not good.

I downloaded another document on the AT protocol to see if they mentioned anything useful, and lo and behold:

The host may inhibit communication at any time by pulling the Clock line low for at least 100 microseconds.

I think I can spare 100µs - I added the line ld a,1 \ out (bport),a to the end of my buffer-filling code from earlier (it fills a scancode key buffer) - and the code doesn't drop a single scancode. Result!

Providing useful functionality

All these keyboard routines do at the moment is to display the data coming in on the screen - not exactly a great use of them. What is really needed is a simple two-way handler - it calls two different user-defined routines based on what a key is doing, whether it is being pushed down or released.

For this, I should translate the scancodes into a new format - there are less than 256 keys, so there's no reason why I can't fit every single key into a byte.

As well as user-defined keyboard events, I'll have to add my own to handle toggling the status of the keyboard - the num/caps/scroll lock as well as the shift/alt/ctrl.

It's really quite simple to do.

	; Now we need to run through all the keyboard events!

	ld ix,_buffer	; Start at the beginning of the buffer.


	; Let's assume it's a normal key:

	ld hl,_scancode_lut
	ld bc,_scancode_lut_end-_scancode_lut

	ld de,_null_handler

	ld a,(ix+0)
	or a
	jr z,_handled_all_keys

	cp at_scs_enhance	; Is it an enhanced key?
	jr nz,_not_enhanced

		inc ix	; We know it's enhanced, so move along.
		ld a,(ix+0)
		or a
		jr z,_handled_all_keys
		ld hl,_scancode_e_lut
		ld bc,_scancode_e_lut_end-_scancode_e_lut

	; Now HL points to our LUT, BC is the correct length
	; and IX points to the next byte.

	cp at_scs_keyup ; Is it a key UP event?
	jr nz,_not_keyup

		inc ix
		ld a,(ix+0)
		or a
		jr z,_handled_all_keys
		ld de,_null_handler


	; Move to next chunk before we do anything
	inc ix
	; At this point, A=scancode, HL->translation table, DE->handler, BC=table size, IX->next scancode.

	; We now need to run the translation.

	cpir	; Simple as that!

	jr nz,_handle_next_scancode	; Not found

	; So HL->scancode+1
	; Here is where the magic happens:

	push de
	ld de,0-_scancode_lut
	add hl,de
	ld a,l
	pop de

	; Now, A = 'real' scancode.

	; We need to 'call' DE.
	; We can spoof this easily:

	ld hl,_handle_next_scancode
	push hl	; _h_n_s is on TOP of the stack.
	push de ; our event handler is on top of the stack;
	ret	; POP back off stack and jump to it.
		; When the handler RETs it'll pop off _h_n_s and carry on scanning!


Basically, I just run through all the received bytes. I check for $E0 (if so, switch to the alternate scancode conversion table for the extended codes) then $F0 (if so, load the alternate handler for a key up event rather than a key down event) then look up the scancode on the selected code table.

I created a couple of very basic event handlers - the key down event displays ↓ followed by the adjusted key code, the key up event displays ↑ followed by the adjusted key code.


What would be ideal would be to provide internal event handlers that could be called on keyup/keydown which would then jump over to the user's custom handler. These event handlers could look for special keys and adjust the keyboard LEDs and set internal flags that could be used to detect the status of certain keys. I'd need:

  • Num Lock
  • Caps Lock
  • Scroll Lock
  • Shift
  • Ctrl
  • Alt

Unfortunately, I think that there is a problem with my byte-sending code. Setting the keyboard LEDs starts to do strange things - I now have two options;

  1. After switching status, ignore the LEDs. The status flag is set correctly internally, but you can't see it on the keyboard (which is a bit pants).
  2. Update the status flags every single time we run through the loop to check for any new bytes (which makes the keyboard lag like crazy - there's up to half a second of buffering going on!)

Mixing-and-matching the two - rewriting the branch before we bring the clock high again (for maximum speed) confuses the keyboard - the status LEDs never change and it decides to disable itself in a strop until I send $FF (the reset command) again. I think it's time to revisit the at_send_byte routine again to see what it's doing wrong!

Well, comparing it to my new notes - it's actually completely wrong at the end, when it comes to sending the parity/stop/ACK bits! A quick rewrite to how I think it should go isn't too hopeful - the keyboard LEDs flash like mad. Tweaking the timing by throwing in a few calls to _wait_bit_low and _wait_bit_high to synchronise my data to the clock stop this completely - and now the code is as it was before, at 100% accuracy - but about twice as fast.

Replacing my branch code still doesn't work all the time - sometimes the LEDs change, sometimes they do not. Not believing it would work, I threw in a check for the ACK bytes returned - if they were $FE, the 'repeat last command' byte, I'd send again.

My routines were clearly not as broken as I thought - the keyboard LEDs now change status perfectly, and as much as I hammer the Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock keys, I cannot lock up the program or get the keyboard LEDs to display the wrong value. Not to mention that keying in other keys is back to the lightning fast response they used to be...

TI Keyboard

Tuesday, 15th November 2005

Once again, I waste my time doing something remarkably useless - it's trying to connect a keyboard to my TI graphing calculator!



Alas, this is not an original idea - I had seen some work done on this in the past, and tried fiddling with the code myself, not really understanding much of it. I decided to have a go - from scratch, and on my own.

Constructing the hardware


I decided to butcher an old, suitably discoloured keyboard (in a nice way, though, so if all went wrong I could reassemble it). I don't have a soldering iron, nor any sort of decent cabling or plugs so I planned to just cut and strip the wires inside the keyboard and attach (by twisting together and large amounts of Sellotape) a power cable and 2.5mm stereo minijack plug (the TI has a 2.5mm stereo minijack socket on it as a data port).


I'm not sure they put enough screws into this thing... (by contrast, my main keyboard has a whopping 2 screws in it - this keyboard's designer was clearly paid by the screw!)


Finally (and with a slightly sore wrist), I get to the bit I need - the keyboard controller board. The circuit board has the four leads soldered straight into it - I'd been hoping for the more typical sight of a block that the cable plugs into, but unfortunately it looks like I'll be cutting wires and hoping not to snap them off by accident. The four wires have been labelled VCDO - I'll cross my fingers and assume these stand for VCC (+5V), Clock, Data and 0V.



Out it comes, the wires are stripped and reattached. I then tested all the leads using my multimeter and created some stunning ASCII art to remind me what went where:


PS/2 SOCKET:                               TI CONNECTOR:

  6.-++-.5      4: VCC   >-[+5V]                _
  /o || o\      5: Clock >---< 1: Red    Tip   /_\.
 |   ++   |     1: Data  >---< 2: White  Ring  }_{
4|o      o|3    3: Gnd   >-+-< 3: Copper Base  | |
  \      /               __|__                 |_|
   \o__o/                 ---  0V             /   \.
   2    1                  '                  \___/===> To TI
 ^ Note that this is the SOCKET view
and not the plug view for a PS/2 port.


With that done, I taped down the connections and screwed the whole thing back together. Tapping a 9V PP3 battery to the power leads makes the keyboard boot up; doesn't look like it's broken quite yet!

Writing the code

What with the hardware now hopefully complete, it's a simple case of writing the code to support the keyboard. *cough cough*

Basically, I need to write an implementation of the AT protocol. The protocol is fairly simple, but unfortunately the keyboard generates the clock signal for us (the TI doesn't have accurate timing at all - it's an RC circuit, and so the clock rate drops as the batteries go flat). Let's hope the TI can keep up!

I guess the easiest code to write would be code that sets the output high (as it's an open collector circuit, high is the default level - either side can pull this low and hold it there) then poll the clock and wait for it to drop then go back up again. The clock line maps to bit 0 of the link port, and the data line to bit 1 of the link port. The TI's data IO port can be controlled using these two lower two bits of the hardware port equated as 'bport' (port 0) in

Here's what I tried;

    ; Set link port high
    ld a,%00000011
    out (bport),a

    in a,(bport)        ; Read in the status of the bport.
    and %00000001       ; Mask out bit 0 (clock)
    jr nz,wait_bit_low  ; Is it non-zero (high?) If so, loop back.

    in a,(bport)        ; Read in the status of the bport.
    and %00000001       ; Mask out bit 0 (clock)
    jr z,wait_bit_high  ; Is it zero (loop?) If so, loop back.

    ret                 ; Break out of the program

Strange, whatever I do - init the keyboard, tap keys, nothing happens. The program goes into an endless loop. Using the 9V to manually set the line low then high again, I realise something - I keep forgetting that the port works backwards, and that writing %00000011 sets the status to %00000000 - and when a line is held low by either device, it can't be brought up again very easily. Replacing the offending line with xor a to clear it to zero worked a treat - pressing any key on the keyboard exits the program.
Each "packet" on the AT protocol (it's a bit grand to call it that) is made up of 11 bits - 1 start bit, 8 data bits and 2 parity/stop bits. A djnz loop to get the 8 bits and a handful of rotate instructions to populate the result byte gives me this:

.module AT_Protocol

at_timeout = 255

    ; Clear Link port
    xor a
    out (bport),a

    ; Get the start bit:

    call _wait_bit_low
    call _wait_bit_high

    ; Now we need to get the 8 bits for the byte

    ; Reset the output byte
    ld c,0

    ld b,8


    call _wait_bit_low

    ; Now we get the bit itself
    in a,(bport)
    rr c

    call _wait_bit_high

    djnz _get_byte_loop

    ; Get the parity/stop bits

    call _wait_bit_low
    call _wait_bit_high
    call _wait_bit_low
    call _wait_bit_high

    ; Clear flags, load code into accumulator and exit
    xor a
    ld a,c

    ; Set nz to indicate failure, return.
    or 1

    push bc
    ld b,at_timeout
    in a,(bport)
    and 1
    jr z,_waited_bit_low
    djnz _wait_bit_low_loop
    pop bc
    pop bc
    jr _get_byte_fail
    pop bc

    push bc
    ld b,at_timeout
    in a,(bport)
    and 1
    jr nz,_waited_bit_high
    djnz _wait_bit_high_loop
    pop bc
    pop bc
    jr _get_byte_fail
    pop bc

Not too tricky at all! Amazingly, this code ran first time too. (Amazingly for me, that is). The test program just reveices a byte from the keyboard and displays it on the screen.


One minor problem is that sometimes the code received differs by a bit to what it should (you can see this by holding down a key and noting how sometimes the code is different - I've written a short program that just displays the code on-screen when it's received). Consulting my AT protocol notes, I find that "After the clock line goes low a 5-microsecond pause is used so that the data line has time to latch." Maybe my pause isn't long enough?

Sadly, that did quite the opposite - the results are even more unpredictable. I guess it would be more better to try speeding up my code, rather than slowing it down..?

After increasing the speed a little (without unrolling all the loops, that is) the routines are (by and large) slightly more accurate. Still not perfect, but they'll do for the time being. If I press a key the release it just before it repeats, the accuracy is 100% perfect - I suspect that the problem is that in the time the rest of my program has drawn the last keycode, the keyboard has pottered away and tried to output another byte and I'm jumping in half way through. I guess I'll have to write some clever buffering code to handle that!


I thought that an ideal way to handle the timing/speed problem was to create a piece of code that could be loaded as a sort of driver. The calculator would be set up into interrupt mode 2 and would call the driver 100-or-so times a second. The code could then try to see if a byte was coming in, and if so it would add it to a buffer. A routine isolated from the rest of the code could then read a byte from the buffer and shift all the other items down to replace it - a sort of FIFO stack.

The Z80 has three interrupt modes; 0, 1 and 2. Interrupt mode 0 is pretty useless to us; interrupt mode 1 is the normal mode of operation. In this mode, the CPU pushes the program counter to the stack then jumps to memory location $38 every time an interrupt occurs. The interrupt handler then swaps the main CPU registers away with their shadow register pairs, does something, then swaps the CPU registers back again. Finally, you pop the old program counter off the stack and jump back to where you were. You could think of it as having a second thread running, only a lot less hi-tech and more restrictive.

Interrupt mode 2 is a stranger beast. The main difference is that it doesn't just jump to $38 - it creates a 16-bit address using the register I as the most significant byte and a byte off the data bus as the least significant byte - effectively, we have a 16-bit number made up of i*256+?. The CPU then loads the value in the memory location pointed to by this 16-bit value, then calls this address.

What does this mean for us? Well, it means that rather relying on the interrupt at $38 we can load our own interrupt into memory!

We need to do three things:

  1. Create a 257-byte lookup table aligned to a 256-byte boundary for the CPU to read from after it has build up the 16-bit address.
  2. Set the I register to the most significant byte of the start address of our lookup table.
  3. Copy our interrupt handler to the location our table points to, switch the interrupt mode to two and enable interrupts.

The way I've done this is:

  • Filled memory locations $8700 to $8800 (inclusive) with the byte $86.
  • Loaded $87 into the I register.
  • Copied my interrupt handler to $8686

My interrupt handler at $8686 is a simple jp instruction to jump back to my program for the sake of practicality.

Unfortunately, this approach doesn't work (and I tried a lot of different ways to get it to!) One reason for failure is that in im 2, the main interrupt handler at $38 isn't getting executed. The TIOS relies pretty heavily on this interrupt to work; most functions cause a pretty nasty crash or do other strange things. Fine, I say to myself, and replace my reti call at the end of my interrupt handler with a jp $38 to manually call the TIOS interrupt. The behaviour gets even stranger - calling ionFastCopy (a function, non-TIOS related, to copy the display buffer to the LCD) causes strange rippling effects to appear on the LCD, followed by a full-out crash when I finally quit the program.

On top of all this, the few times I can get a display of the key buffer I can see that it's not updating very frequently... The interrupt is not checking the port frequently. All this for nothing!

As far as I can see it, the only way for an interrupt-based technique to work would be for the TI to have a hardware interrupt - using the keyboard's clock connected to the CPU, so that whenever the clock goes low the TI could spring into action and receive the byte. Seeing as the only access to the CPU I have without invalidating my warranty is via the data port, I'm a bit stuck.

Back to square one

I guess the only way is to agressively poll the port... First up, I rewrote the code so that instead of displaying a decimal version of the code, I'd display a hexadecimal version - significantly easier to read, faster to convert. I then painstakingly noted down every key's scancode from this into a useful include file.

One problem with the original TI keyboard project was that it had problems with input; it would occasionally forget about shift being pressed, or accidentally repeat keys. I think I now know why...

On an AT protocol keyboard, scancodes are sent every time a key is pressed and again when the key is released. To differentiate between the two different actions, when a key is released the scancode is preceded by the special code $F0.

I reckon that the problem was that the function to get a byte would have been called, followed almost immediately with the code to translate/display it. What I intend to do instead is to get bytes in a loop and add them to a buffer until either the routine times out (no more bytes being sent) or the buffer is full (shouldn't happen!)


As you can see, this system works. The above codes are special ones generated by pressing some of the extended keys (the cursor keys) - they send the code $E0 followed by the key itself. Some of the codes are downright silly - PrintScreen sends the command string E0F07CE0F012 when released - Pause sends E11477E1F014F077!

Infuriatingly... this is STILL not perfect! I'm still losing some bytes. What to do - if only there was a way to control the keyboard, to stop it from scanning... wait a minute...

Controlling the Keyboard

Sending a byte is not too different from receiving a byte - you hold the clock and data lines low, then just the data low, then write out the bits as the keyboard requests them on clock. The easiest code to transmit is $FF - keyboard reset. According to my notes, the keyboard should respond with the power-on self-test byte as well as resetting. Lo and behold, the keyboard lights flash and I get $AA back - the self test has passed. I also get $E8 back, and my notes don't mention $E8 anywhere, but I'll ignore that for a minute and bask in the glory of it otherwise working perfectly.

The next code I try is $EE. This is the echo code - in theory, the keyboard should send back $EE. Sadly, it doesn't. Damn. It just resets and sends back $AA, though it sometimes sends back $B8 as well.

On close inspection, it seems pretty obvious what I've done wrong - I'm completely neglecting to send the parity and stop bits. Oops. After adding them, the keyboard responds $EE to my $EE - which is quite correct! The parity is hard coded, so I'm glad it works.

Trying another code, $F2, gets the keyboard to spit back an unfriendly $FE - which translates as "resend, you idiot". $EE is %11101110, which contains 6 set bits. $F2 is %11110010 which contains 5 set bits - the parity needs to be reversed. Hopefully calculating the parity shouldn't consume too many clock cycles - after I extract the bit to send, I need to add it to another counter. I can then use the lowest bit of this counter as my parity bit.

Thankfully, I have sufficient time to calculate the parity - the keyboard now responds FAAB83. $FA is the ACK code, AB83 are the ID bytes. Scarily, my notes say that the ID bytes are $83 then $AB - I'm going to hope that this is an error in the notes - I doubt my routines are going to be able to mix up whole bytes!

Now for the main reason you'd want to send codes to the keyboard - to flash the LEDs, of course! The code is $ED - the keyboard should respond with an ACK ($FA), to which I send the status byte (the lower 3 bits control the LEDs). The code is pretty simple (albeit without any checking on the ACK):

    ld a,$ED
    call at_send_byte   ; Command
    call at_get_byte    ; ACK
    ld a,%00000101      ; Caps Lock and Scroll Lock on
    call at_send_byte   ; Command
    call at_get_byte    ; ACK


Ace. I'll add the equates for the various commands to my include file. No doubt I can get some more done with this project tomorrow...

XML Overload

Tuesday, 8th November 2005

Everything in the new version of Latenite is XML-based - the project files, the help files, the error logs... Never mind, it seems to work well.

Click for massive.

So far, the only thing that's useful (complete and working) is the 8XP Linker - linker is a bit of a fancy name for it, as all it really does is wrap a number of .bin COM files up into a single .8x? or 83? file for the TI-83(+). It's a Win32 app, which should help some people stuck with the old DOS apps who can't get them to run under WinNT.

The Build menu seems to work; all Build scripts are now based around the project (rather than the old method of a number of fixed ones). After all, a "Build→Sega Game Gear" option is a bit useless to a TI-8X app. Any .cmd file in your project's Build folder should appear on the menu for you to run.

There are still a few issues - remembering which files were opened when you close the project, remembering which the default build script is, search in entire project (so far only current file and all open files are supported), jump to line, jump to previous instance of selected word, open file at cursor... I also need to complete the Z80 instruction set help file, add a WLA-DX help file... Lots for me to be getting on with!

Latenite, VS 2005 and two screens.

Monday, 31st October 2005

Long time no update...
I haven't done any more work on FireTrack, that is now officially a dead project. sad.gif

Rearranged PC

I spent some part of this weekend rearranging my PC so I could take advantage of my DVI port. With a DVI→VGA adapter I could connect up the other 17" monitor that was currently going unused on my PS2. I also had a new second-hand (new to me, that is) VCR to throw into the mix - here are the results! (Hover for notes).

show_ps2.jpgAn image

Once again, I'm astounded as to how expensive cables are on the high street (last time it was a USB cable that threw me - £14 in Dixons, I ended up getting it for 99p on eBay). To connect the VCR to the VGA box I needed to convert the only output it gave me, SCART, to something usable - S-Video or composite. The only cable Dixons sold that converted SCART to composite out cost a whopping £39.99... no thanks! Maplin wasn't so bad, a two-way (switchable) SCART→S-Video/composite was only a tenner. Only thing left for me to get is a new VGA cable from my PC to the VGA box - my current cable is thinner than most serial cables I have! (In the photo of the VGA box, it's the one on the left) Needless to say, the image is very fuzzy and there is serious ghosting.

Visual Studio 2005

I recently received the Beta 2 in the post, and I'm (generally) highly impressed. However, I've run into a number of oddities along the way, not to mention some infuriating bugs. The worst is the image resource editor for adding images to menus and the like. Add a couple of images, set the image on a menu item and watch as it erases all your menus, adds them all back again before crashing with the error message:
vs_error.gif which point the IDE closes.
Another oddity is that after such a crash my program started crashing when it closed. The error was in this code (added by the form designer);

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
	if (disposing && (components != null)) {

base.Dispose(disposing); was causing the error "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'SplitterPanel'." I have no idea what would cause that, or which object "SplitterPanel" is at all. Changing the problematic line to this.Dispose(disposing); fixed the problem, but if anyone could shed light onto why this code was failing I'd be very grateful!

My only other major beef with VS2005 is that while most of the visual style bugs have been ironed out, some still remain. The worst one for me is the TabControl, as aligning the tab buttons to anything other than top results in some very odd results. Are MS ever going to decide on a consistent theme? rolleyes.gif


Latenite is back in redevelopment - hopefully this version will be released! I have completely rewritten it from scratch in C# (previously in VB.NET) - for one weekend's work, it's not looking too shabby.

Click for bigger.

Yes, it looks like a direct rip-off of VS, but is geared towards Z80 editing. I'm sticking to making it look/work like a simplified VS, as that seems to be the best way for things to work (after all, most image editing apps feel like variations on a theme of Photoshop). Some new features:

  • Fully XML-based help system makes help files considerably more manageable. HTML-based help viewer (rather than RTF) allows for better presentation and slicker (working!) hyperlinks.
  • Error logs are also returned as XML for neatness.
  • Compilation is now based around a bunch of sensible environment variables (the old system used a cryptic set of command-line arguments - %1 to %5). For example, this is the script for generic TI compilation:
    devpac8%1 "%SOURCE_FILE_NOEXT%"
  • Ability to undo more than one edit and redo again! - This is a big one! (A new class that just adds to the )
  • Sexy icon laden menus. If you create a compile script and save a PNG in the same folder with the same filename (so ZX Spectrum.cmd with a picture of a speccy as ZX Spectrum.png) it appears on the build menu.
  • Faster and more accurate line selection.

There is still a lot (of very dull stuff, no less) to do - project organisation, settings saving/loading, text search... Bah. One day!

Useful script?

Thursday, 6th October 2005

If you have a website of your own, you might want to have your journal on it. (I do wink.gif).
This script can be used to generate a simple HTML document (such as this one!) containing a brief description of your recent entries, a title and a link to the item itself.

# Ben Ryves 2005.

$journal_id = 273102;           # ID number of your journal.
$items      = 8;                # How many recent journal entries do you want?
$saved_page = 'journal.htm';    # Which page do you want to save the journal to?
$password   = 'password';       # What's the password required to fire off an update?

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    if ($_POST['password']==$password) {
        # Run the update script:
        $handle = fopen($url,'r');
        $writer = fopen($saved_page,'w');
        if (!$handle) {
        	echo "<p>The RSS feed is not available at the moment - sorry.</p>";
        } else {
        	global $cur_pos, $buffer;
        	$buffer = ';
        	while (!feof ($handle)) {
        		$buffer .= fgets($handle, 4096);
        	$cur_pos = strpos($buffer,"<item>");
        	for ($i=0; $i<$items; ++$i) {
        		$title = get_between_text("<title>","</title>");
        		if ($title===false) break;
        		$link = get_between_text("<link>","</link>");
        		$description = html_entity_decode(preg_replace("#&lt;(.*?)&gt;#i","",get_between_text("<description>","</description>")),ENT_QUOTES);
        		$description = preg_replace("#<(.*)#i","...",$description);
        		fwrite($writer,"<p><b><a href=\"$link\" target=\"_blank\">$title</a></b><br /><small>$description</small></p>");
        	echo "<p>$saved_page has been updated!</p>";
    } else {
        echo "<p>Invalid password: sorry!</p>";

<form method="post">
<p>Please enter your password:
<input type="password" name="password" />
<input type="submit" value="Go!" name="submit" />

function get_between_text($before, $after) {
   global $buffer, $cur_pos;
   $cur_pos = strpos($buffer, $before, $cur_pos);
   if ($cur_pos===false) {
      return false;
   } else {
      $e = strpos($buffer, $after, $cur_pos);
      return substr($buffer, $cur_pos, $e-$cur_pos);


You need to set a password just to stop people from running the script (it's a pretty basic system). You'll also need to set the correct ID number. It's a very quick-and-dirty script, so if you have any problems with it give me a shout!

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