A function which gets a byte from the file whose file handle is its argument. The file pointer is incremented after the byte has been read.


You must normally have opened a file using OPENOUT, OPENIN or OPENUP before you use this statement.

You can use BGET# to read single bytes from a disk file. This enables you to read back small integers which have been 'packed' into fewer than 5 bytes (see BPUT#). It is also very useful if you need to perform some conversion operation on a file. Each byte read is numeric, but you can use CHR$(BGET#n) to convert it to a string.

The input file in the example below is a text file produced by a word-processor.

Words to be underlined are 'bracketed' with ^S. The program produces an output file suitable for a printer which expects such words to be bracketed by ^Y. You could, of course, perform several such translations in one program.

 10 REM Open i/p and o/p files. End if error.
 20 infile=OPENIN "WSFILE.DOC"
 30 IF infile=0 THEN END
 40 outfile=OPENOUT "BROTH.DOC"
 50 IF outfile=0 THEN END
 60 :
 70 REM Process file, converting ^S to ^Y
 90   temp=BGET#infile :REM Read byte
100    IF temp=&13 THEN temp=&19 :REM Convert ^S
110    BPUT#outfile,temp :REM Write byte
120 UNTIL temp=&1A :REM ^Z
130 CLOSE#0 :REM Close all files
140 END

To make the program more useful, it could ask for the names of the input and output files at 'run time':

 10 INPUT "Enter name of INPUT file " infile$
 20 INPUT "Enter name of OUTPUT file " outfile$
 30 REM Open i/p and o/p files. End if error.
 40 infile=OPENIN(infile$)
 50 IF infile=0 THEN END
 60 outfile=OPENOUT(outfile$)
 70 IF outfile=0 THEN END
 80 :
 90 REM Process file, converting ^S to ^Y
110    temp=BGET#infile :REM Read byte
120    IF temp=&13 THEN temp=&19 :REM Convert ^S
130    BPUT#outfile,temp :REM Write byte
140 UNTIL temp=&1A :REM ^Z
150 CLOSE#0 :REM Close all files
160 END



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