
.exportmode mode

Specifies the type of label export file to write. A label export file contains all the labels marked for exporting (through the .export directive) and their value. This can be used, for example, to export the addresses of functions in a library. The label file can even be used alongside a debugger. Here is a list of the modes:

AssemblyAssembly source (label .equ value pairs)..inc
FullAssemblyAssembly source (label .equ value, page pairs)..inc
LabelFileBinary label file (.inclabels)..lbl
NO$GMBNO$GMB symbol file..sym
EmukonPatchEmukon patch file..pat

The extension is only used if you do not specify an export file name, and is appended to the binary name (not replacing it - so binfile.bin will have binfile.bin.inc, not binfile.inc).