Brass Core Plugins


Generates XML from compiled Vera documentation comments.


This plugin outputs a Zip archive containing the XML documents and associated stylesheets and images to display them.

The current specification for the documentation comments can be viewed here.

The following tags are supported by this plugin:

PreSpecify the preconditions (input state) for the routine, one per line.
PostSpecify the postconditions (output state) for the routine, one per line.
WarningInclude any special warnings governing the use of the routine to the user here.
SeeAlsoList similar routines that you would like to draw the reader's attention to (comma-delimited list).
ExampleA sample block of code making use of the routine. Indent with tabs; formatting is preserved.
AuthorsThe author(s) of the routine, one per line. Inclusion of a name and an email address is recommended.


Sample taken from the Vera project.

;; Vera - the calc lover's OS,
;; copyright (C) 2007 The Vera Development Team.
;; This is a test assembly file to test the reference implementation
;; asmdoc tool.

; ===================
; We'll put in a fake console routine here

;; === console.printline ===
;; Print a null terminated string to the display
;; using some crappy display port writes
;; Don't use it too often, it'll fry your screen :-)
;; Pre:
;;   hl = pointer to string
;; Post:
;;   String displayed on screen
;;   hl,bc,a destroyed
;; SeeAlso:
;;   console.putchar, console.set_cursor_x, console.set_cursor_y
;; Warning:
;;   Do not call this function if you have manually
;;   set console_cursor_x or console_cursor_y outside
;;   the console boundaries.
;; Example:
;;      ld hl,str_welcome
;;      call console.printline
;;      ret
;;   str_welcome:
;;      .db "Welcome to Vera",0


;; === console.newline ===
;; Print a newline to the console
;; Post:
;;   Updated cursor position, scrolled screen if necessary
;;   hl,a destroyed
;; SeeAlso:
;;   console.printline, console.set_cursor_x, console.set_cursor_y
;; Example:
;;      call console.newline


; === console.putchar ===
; Internally used routine, just one semicolon
; Pre:
;   a = character
; Post:
;   Character put on display
;   hl,a destroyed
; SeeAlso:
;   console.printline
; Example:
;       ld a,'F'
;       call console.putchar


; ===================
; End of file
; ===================