Better drawing, editing, memory and emulation for BBC BASIC on the Sega Master System
Tuesday, 3rd August 2021
I have continued to work on the Sega Master System version of BBC BASIC, and it's feeling much more like a practical version of BASIC than something that was just holding together to run one specific program!
One of the key improvements is to standardise the handling of the different graphics modes. Previously I was using a coordinate system where (0,0) is in the top left corner and all drawing operations were carried out using physical device coordinates (so the screen was treated as being 256 pixels wide and 192 pixels tall). I have now moved the origin (0,0) into the bottom left corner with the Y axis pointing up and scale down all coordinates by 5, effectively making the screen 1280 logical units wide and 960 units tall. This isn't 100% compliant, as the BBC Micro and other versions of BASIC treat the screen as being 1024 units tall, but dividing by 5⅓ is considerably trickier and it would result in the graphics being squished further vertically, so I think using a logical resolution of 1280×960 is an acceptable compromise. I've added some VDU statements to allow you to move the graphics origin as well as define custom graphics and text viewports, so you can control where on the screen graphics and text appear and how they are clipped/scroll.
The output of the "Mandelbaum" program following these changes
I have also changed the default palette to more closely match the one used by the BBC Micro and other versions of BBC BASIC. This isn't too difficult when using the Master System's "Mode 4" as that has a user-definable palette, but the legacy TMS9918A modes have a fixed palette so I've tried to match the default palette as sensibly as I can to the TMS9918A palette. It's possible to change the logical to physical palette mappings under Master System "Mode 4" via a VDU command which writes directly to the CRAM (you can either remap one of the 16 logical entries to one of the stock 16 colours, or supply an RGB value directy to select additional colours) which allows for neat tricks like palette cycling, but the TMS9918A modes currently only let you change the current text/drawing colour, not amend the palette as that's fixed in hardware.
I've also added filled/outlined circle and axis-aligned ellipse PLOT commands using some code written by Darren "qarnos" Cubitt which I originally used in the TI-83 Plus version of BBC BASIC. This code is very capable and fully accepted 16-bit coordinates for its inputs, however it was also originally designed to output to a 96×64 pixel screen so the final plotting was done with 8-bit coordinates ranging from -128..127. Fortunately the Master System's screen also fits in 8-bit coordinates at 256 pixels wide but that's not quite enough information as you also need to be able to tell if a particular point is off-screen (less than zero or greater than 255); simply clipping it against those boundaries will result in a vertical smear on the left or right edge of the screen when drawing outlines. Fortunately I was able to figure out how to modify his code to add some extra clipping status flags to ensure that ellipses were clipped and displayed correctly on any part of the screen.
Filled circles and filled/outlined ellipses make these drawings possible
The only graphics operation exposed by the mode-specific drivers before was a simple "set pixel" routine. This is fine for lines but quite slow for filling shapes so graphics mode drivers can now supply a "fill horizontal span" routine for faster shape-filling. If the routine is left unimplemented a stub routine is provided that fills the span using the "set pixel" routine.
I also added a rectangle-filling PLOT command, which is perhaps not the most exciting-sounding graphics operation but it is used to clear the screen so it is at least useful. More interesting is a triangle-filling routine, something I've never enjoyed writing!
Usually I get very bogged down in the idea that the pixels affected when you fill a triangle should exactly fit within the pixels that are outlined by drawing lines between each of the triangle's points, no more and no less. This can be a bit difficult when the triangle is filled by tracing its edges from top to bottom and drawing horizontal spans between them. If the edge is "steep" (its overall height is greater than or equal to its width) then this isn't too bad, as there's only one X coordinate for each Y coordinate where a pixel would have been plotted. However, when the edge is "shallow" (its overall width is greater than its width) there are going to be certain Y coordinates where the line drawn would have had multiple pixels plotted. In that case, where is the boundary of the horizontal span?
The cop-out answer I've used in the past has been to set up three buffers the total height of the screen and to "draw" the three lines first using the same line-drawing algorithm as the line PLOTting command, keeping track of the minimum and maximum X coordinate for each Y coordinate. When it's time to fill the triangle the minimum and maximum X coordinate for each edge can be determined based on the current Y coordinate and a span drawn between them for perfect triangles. On the TI-83 Plus this takes up four bytes per line (minimum and maximum 16-bit values) for a 64 pixel tall screen, with three buffers for the three lines that comes to 4×64×3=768 bytes, pretty bad. On the Sega Master System that would be 4×192×3=2304 bytes, totally unacceptable on a machine with only 8KB total work RAM!
Each face of this 3D sphere is filled by two triangles.
I've instead simply done my best to interpolate from one X coordinate to the other when working my way down the triangle and filling scanlines, doing a bit of extra pre-incrementing and fudging of initial error values depending on whether it's the top half or bottom half of the triangle. My test was to draw the outline of a triangle in bright white and then to fill a dark blue triangle over the top, if any bright white pixels were visible around the outside this indicated a gap. I mostly got it filled, but I then tried my test program on a BBC Micro emulator and found the BBC Micro exhibited similar gaps so I don't think I'm doing too badly! The above screenshot of the 3D sphere was rendered using this triangle-filling code.
I've also been working on improving the line editor. This is called by BASIC when it's asking for a line of text input from you. Previously I'd only implemented adding characters to the end of the line and pressing backspace to remove characters from the end of the line; if you'd typed in a long piece of code and made a mistake at the start you'd need to backspace all the way to the mistake, correct it, then re-type the rest of the line. Now you can use the cursor keys (or home/end) to move around within the line, insert or overwrite new characters (toggled by pressing the insert key on the keyboard) at the cursor position or backspace/delete characters mid-line as required. It sounds like a small thing but it was quite a lot of code to get right and makes a big difference for usability!
Another feature I've added to aid modifying lines of code is the *EDIT command. This takes a line number as an argument and then brings up the program line you've requested in the line editor, ready for editing. The way this works is a bit sneaky, as it's not natively implemented by BBC BASIC! The trick that makes it work is the ability to override two routines, OSLINE (which BASIC calls when it wants to display the line editor) and OSWRCH (which BASIC calls when it wants to output a character).
When a valid *EDIT <line> command is entered, OSLINE is overridden with the first custom routine. This routine doesn't ask for a line of input, but instead copies L.<line> to the input buffer, overrides OSWRCH with a routine that captures data to RAM, overrides OSLINE with a second custom routine, then returns. BASIC therefore thinks you've typed in a LIST statement so it dutifully starts outputting the line via OSWRCH, but this has been overridden to write the characters to RAM rather than the screen. When it's done this BASIC then calls OSLINE again for the next line of input, which brings up the second custom OSLINE handler. This pulls the data from RAM previously captured by the OSWRCH handler, copies it to the OSLINE buffer, and dispays it on-screen as if you'd just typed it in. It then restores the original OSLINE and OSWRCH handlers before jumping back into the stock OSLINE routine, so you can continue editing the line that you'd requested via *EDIT.
All of this hopefully makes entering programs via the keyboard less cumbersome. Of course, not having to type in programs in full every time you wanted to run them would be even better, and an attempt to give BASIC more memory provides another way to load programs in a somewhat roundabout manner.
The photograph above shows the modified Monopoly cartridge that I'm now using to test BBC BASIC on real hardware instead of the modified After Burner cartridge I was using before. The advantage of Monopoly is that it has an additional 8KB RAM on board, which is used to save games in progress. Sega's cartridge mapper allows for on-cartridge RAM to be mapped into the address range $8000..$BFFF, immediately below the main work RAM which is at $C000..$DFFF. If present, then, BASIC's memory range (which runs from PAGE to HIMEM) can be extended by enabling the save RAM and moving PAGE down.
$8000..$BFFF is a 16KB range, though, and I mentioned that Monopoly has an 8KB RAM. This is true, and what it means is that the 8KB cartridge RAM is accessible from $8000..$9FFF but is then repeated ("mirrored") from $A000..$BFFF. The cartridge RAM detection therefore has to check two things: firstly that there is RAM in the first place (which can be verified by modifying memory at $8000 and seeing if those values stick) and how big it is (which can be checked by writing to $8000 and seeing if that has also modified the data at $8000+<RAM size>). Once presence of any RAM has been determined during startup, RAM mirroring is checked in 1KB, 2KB, 4KB and 8KB offsets. If any RAM mirroring is detected, then it's assumed the RAM is the size that was being checked at the time, however if not it's assumed that the RAM is the full 16KB. At this point, PAGE (which is $C000 in a stock machine with no cartridge RAM) is moved backwards by the size of the detected cartridge RAM, e.g. to $A000 for an 8KB RAM and $8000 for a 16KB RAM. This results in 16KB or 24KB total available to BBC BASIC, a considerable upgrade from the plain 8KB work RAM!
An added bonus of this is that when you type in programs they grow upwards in memory from PAGE. As PAGE now starts within your cartridge memory, and that cartridge memory retains its contents courtesy of a backup battery, it means that if your entered program is smaller than the size of your cartridge memory you can restore it when you switch the console back on by typing OLD.
That's very well for life on real hardware, but I continue to do most of my development testing in an emulator. I'm having to use my own emulator as there aren't any other Master System emulators that also include a PS/2 keyboard emulator, but I did end up running into a very weird bug. Certain trigonometric functions in BBC BASIC were producing very wrong values, resulting in very odd-looking output.
These shapes are on the wonk
Even though the Z80 emulator at the heart of the program passed ZEXDOC (an instruction tester that checks documented functionality) I remembered that it had failed some aspect of ZEXALL which checks the undocumented flags too. I re-ran ZEXALL and found the problem was with my implementation of the bit instruction, so I worked on fixing that including emulation of the Z80's internal temporary memptr/WZ register to ensure that bit n,(hl) set bits 3 and 5 of the flag register appropriately. ZEXALL now passes, but unsurprisingly it didn't fix my problem (as I didn't really think that BBC BASIC would rely on undocumented functionality!)
I ended up isolating certain exact values that when plugged into SIN() or COS() would produce incorrect results. I then dug out my old CP/M emulator and tried plugging those values into the generic CP/M version of BBC BASIC (which has none of my code in it!) and that produced the same, incorrect, results confirming that the issue was definitely in my Z80 emulation and not in some flaw of the BBC BASIC port.
After tracing through the code and dumping out debug values at certain points and seeing where it differed to a known good reference emulator I found that the fault occurred in FMUL, and from there I found that at some point the carry flag (which is either rotated or added to registers with RR or ADC instructions) was being lost. RR looked fine but digging into my implementation for the 16-bit ADC I found the culprit: the code is the same for ADD and ADC, but in ADC if the carry flag is set then the second operand is incremented by one first. This produces the correct numeric answer, but if the second operand was $FFFF on entry to the function then adding a carry of 1 to it would cause it to overflow back to 0. As this happens before any of the rest of the calculations are made it means that the final value of the carry flag was calculated based on op1+0 instead of op1+$10000, hence the loss of the carry flag.
Fortunately, fixing this fixed the wonky output demonstrated above and I feel slightly more confident in my emulation! Now I can continue working on BBC BASIC, I've had an idea for a screen mode that has a reduced number of colours but will hopefully let you draw anywhere on the screen without running out of tiles causing odd corruption (as happens in the usual 16-colour mode 4) and without attribute clash (as happens in the TMS9918A Graphics II mode)...