Using a VDrive to access USB flash drives from a Cambridge Z88
Saturday, 13th May 2023
The VDrive is a handy module for electronic projects that need to access files on a USB flash drive. It's based around a USB host microcontroller and comes preinstalled with some firmware that provides control over the drive with simple commands sent via a serial connection (UART or SPI).
A few years ago I started putting together some code to connect the module to my Cambridge Z88 computer. All I needed was a way to power the drive and a MAX232 chip to translate the computer's RS-232 interface to the VDrive's logic levels, and after around 150 lines of BBC BASIC I had a program that could show directory listings, let me browse folders, and fetch files from the USB drive to the Z88's file system.
This worked well enough but was a bit clumsy. For example, to maintain good performance rather than alternate between reading a single byte from the drive and writing it to the local file system it's better to read and write larger chunks at a time. BBC BASIC doesn't provide a built-in way to do that, though you can read or write CR-terminated strings. When you read each part of the file this way you therefore need to decide whether the string you've just read is a certain length because you've reached a CR terminator (which isn't included in the read string), whether you've reached the end of the file, or whether the string buffer is full, and from that piece the file back together. I got this working quite well but it's still fundamentally an inelegant hack. Doing it properly would require some assembly code, and that would also be required for some other operations (such as properly transferring date and time modification information) that are otherwise not possible from pure BASIC.
Fortunately, BBC BASIC has a built-in assembler and that makes integration of assembly code in BASIC programs quite a bit easier than it would otherwise be. However, as I considered the amount of assembly code required would be quite high, I thought it might be more sensible to just rewrite the program as a native Z88 popdown application.
Status dialog shown when fetching a file from the drive
This is what I ended up doing, and it can be downloaded from its product page. It was quite a lot of fun to learn my way around the Z88's OS – not just for things like file handling, date and time manipulation, and integration with menu and help system but for some of the challenges involved in writing Z80 code for a system that shares memory between multiple running applications (and the file system) rather than my usual environment of having a big block of contiguous RAM to do whatever I fancied in.
The directory listing is the most obvious place where I had to rely on dynamic memory allocation. Each file or folder name being sent in a directory listing by the VDrive is allocated its own memory and I arranged the names together in a linked list that is sorted with an insertion sort.
Being my first Z88 application it's not especially well written but I've been using it for a while now and it seems to work well enough so I've released it, both on this very website and on GitHub.