The latest fashion

Wednesday, 25th August 2004

boolean: “This comic is based on the Mischievous Me thread by normal31337guy. If you didn't happen to read the thread, and you cant be bothered to click the link, heres the back story. Basically, normal31337guy posted a thread telling everyone that he just formatted his room-mate's computer with a PCI card that reinstalls XP every time you reboot. Now, he did this without backing anything up, while his roommate was getting drunk at the pub. This lead to many 'WTF' type posts, and when we didn't hear from him in a while, we all assumed the worst. Big thanks to C-Junkie and Drewish for bringing this post to my attention.
This weeks comic is the first one that is full colour too. I decided to do this because drawing it was pretty simple, so I figured I better do something to make up for it. I don't know if I will make this a permanent feature or not yet.”

The latest fashion


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