
The following projects are either incomplete pieces of software or hardware in continued development or experiments not worth considering as final products.

Emerson PS/2 Library

Emerson PS/2 Library

A library that can be used to interface AT and PS/2 protocol peripherals (keyboard and mouse) to the TI-83 Plus series calculator.

Evaldraw Scripts

Evaldraw Scripts

A collection of scripts for Ken Silverman's Evaldraw.

Fire Track

Fire Track

An incomplete port of the BBC Micro game Fire Track to the Sega Game Gear.



An experimental and unfinished graphical user interface toolkit for the TI-83 Plus calculator.

Hit the Number

Hit the Number

A game that was developed as an AS electronics project.

PAL Video Generation

PAL Video Generation

An experimental program that generates a PAL video signal in software on a TI-83 Plus graphical calculator.



A primitive and incomplete software emulator for the TI-83 Plus calculator.

Three Dee

Three Dee

A very primitive J2ME 3D engine.



32×16 character text output to a TV set using an ATmega168 and two resistors.

Z80 Computer

Z80 Computer

A primitive home-made computer based around a Z80 CPU.