Wednesday, 13th April 2005

I've been doing all sorts of odds and ends recently. I've acquired a Sega Game Gear, and so have started taking a look at programming on that - it has a Z80 CPU in there, so the languge isn't an issue, more so the hardware. Ah well, I can display a screen of text and cycle the colours around so far - nothing impressive, but the setup works.

I've also been playing with PICAXE microcontrollers again. Here is a pair of routines that can be used to get/send bytes using the TI hardware link protocol, for example. I am yet to do anything useful with them, however.

Windows programming has never been my favourite side of things, but I have also started work on a Z80 ASM "IDE" called Latenite:


It's mostly there, but now needs features galore to be added. So far it can be used to compile and source code, which is the main thing.

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