Using a VDrive to access USB flash drives from a Cambridge Z88
Saturday, 13th May 2023
The VDrive is a handy module for electronic projects that need to access files on a USB flash drive. It's based around a USB host microcontroller and comes preinstalled with some firmware that provides control over the drive with simple commands sent via a serial connection (UART or SPI).
A few years ago I started putting together some code to connect the module to my Cambridge Z88 computer. All I needed was a way to power the drive and a MAX232 chip to translate the computer's RS-232 interface to the VDrive's logic levels, and after around 150 lines of BBC BASIC I had a program that could show directory listings, let me browse folders, and fetch files from the USB drive to the Z88's file system.
This worked well enough but was a bit clumsy. For example, to maintain good performance rather than alternate between reading a single byte from the drive and writing it to the local file system it's better to read and write larger chunks at a time. BBC BASIC doesn't provide a built-in way to do that, though you can read or write CR-terminated strings. When you read each part of the file this way you therefore need to decide whether the string you've just read is a certain length because you've reached a CR terminator (which isn't included in the read string), whether you've reached the end of the file, or whether the string buffer is full, and from that piece the file back together. I got this working quite well but it's still fundamentally an inelegant hack. Doing it properly would require some assembly code, and that would also be required for some other operations (such as properly transferring date and time modification information) that are otherwise not possible from pure BASIC.
Fortunately, BBC BASIC has a built-in assembler and that makes integration of assembly code in BASIC programs quite a bit easier than it would otherwise be. However, as I considered the amount of assembly code required would be quite high, I thought it might be more sensible to just rewrite the program as a native Z88 popdown application.
Status dialog shown when fetching a file from the drive
This is what I ended up doing, and it can be downloaded from its product page. It was quite a lot of fun to learn my way around the Z88's OS – not just for things like file handling, date and time manipulation, and integration with menu and help system but for some of the challenges involved in writing Z80 code for a system that shares memory between multiple running applications (and the file system) rather than my usual environment of having a big block of contiguous RAM to do whatever I fancied in.
The directory listing is the most obvious place where I had to rely on dynamic memory allocation. Each file or folder name being sent in a directory listing by the VDrive is allocated its own memory and I arranged the names together in a linked list that is sorted with an insertion sort.
Being my first Z88 application it's not especially well written but I've been using it for a while now and it seems to work well enough so I've released it, both on this very website and on GitHub.
Tape cycle frequencies and phases, plus VDrive3 support for BBC BASIC on the Sega Master System
Wednesday, 6th October 2021
I have now moved the tape interface circuit described in the previous entry from its breadboard prototype to a neat enclosure where I am happy to report it mostly works as well as it did before.
I have spotted two issues, though. The first affects my small cassette recorder but not the large one, and is related to reading files from tape via the file IO routines (such as OPENIN then BGET# to retrieve a single byte, not from LOAD). Files are stored on tape in 256 byte blocks, and when the file is opened a whole 256 byte block is read from the tape and copied to the Master System's RAM. When the BASIC program requests a byte from the tape it is read from this local copy of the block instead, and when the read pointer reaches the end of the 256 byte block the next block is fetched from the tape and the local copy updated with this new data. The motor control comes in handy here, with the file system library stopping and starting the tape playback as desired.
The problem I was having was that the first block would read fine, but when the time came to read the second block the tape started playing but the file system library never seemed to be able to detect any data – it would just work its way along to the end of the tape, never displaying any errors, but never reading any meaningful data either.
The issue ended up being some code I'd added somewhat recently to automatically calibrate the threshold between a 1200Hz ("zero" bit) and a 2400Hz ("one" bit) tone. The code reads bits by counting the length of each wave cycle and comparing this to a threshold value - if it's longer, it's the 1200Hz "zero" bit tone, if it's shorter, it's the 2400Hz "one" bit tone. Before and after each file, and between each block, is a section of 2400Hz "carrier" tone. By detecting a large number of wave cycles that were all around the same length (say, within four length units of each other) you could assume that you were receiving the 2400Hz carrier tone and use that to calculate a suitable threshold for loading in data later.
The main bug was that I was comparing the length of the wave cycle just received with the length of the previous wave cycle rather than the length of the first wave cycle. This becomes a problem when you start a tape that was paused in the middle of a carrier tone (e.g. between blocks) as the tape will take some time to come up to speed, during which time the period of each wave cycle will gradually decrease. As the reference length we're checking the current wave length against is changing over time it means we end up compensating for the tape's speed increasing and so end up accepting the slower (longer) wave cycle lengths as part of the calculation of the threshold between "zero" and "one" bit wave cycle lengths.
As the wave cycle length threshold is now longer than it should be, all incoming wave cycles get interpreted as short ones and so it looks like we're just getting a stream of "one" bits - which looks like the carrier, so the code never starts trying to decode any blocks. My larger tape recorder comes up to speed much more quickly than the small one, or at least doesn't audibly ramp up in speed, and so isn't affected by this problem.
Fortunately the fix is very easy, just check the length of wave cycles against the first wave received rather than the previous one. This way if the timings drift over time (as they would during the period that the tape is coming up to speed) then they'll eventually go out of the permitted range. Changing this fixed the issue.
You may wonder why I'm calculating the threshold at runtime instead of just using a hard-coded value if the expected frequencies are a fixed 1200Hz and 2400Hz. My main intention was to be able to handle tapes that were running at the wrong speed due to a miscalibrated cassette recorder, but this does also open up the possibility to load from tapes at higher rates. Without any further adjustment my code can already load from audio generated at 2320 baud, i.e. with the two frequencies at 2320Hz and 4640Hz, without any further adjustment. This is a slightly annoying figure as 2400 baud would be the obvious target (being double the intended rate!) but at this speed the current code fails to latch on to the signal so I slowed the "tape" speed down until I found a value that worked. It's perhaps worth mentioning that the audio in this case was coming from PlayUEF running on my phone rather than an analogue cassette tape with the BAUD (or LOW) parameter used to adjust the speed, I'm not sure that a 93% boost in loading speed would be achievable from a tape!
I mentioned above that there were two issues. The slow speed-up issue affected the small cassette recorder, but the large cassette recorder had a new issue that only became apparerent after moving the circuit to its final enclosure. The Master System should be able to start and stop the cassette remotely, handled by a reed relay that is then plugged into the cassette recorder's "remote" socket. The Master System was able to start both tape recorders without any issues, but was unable to stop the large one – the "motor" status light would switch off, but the tape would continue playing. Tapping the relay sharply would be the only way to get it to switch off.
I tried plugging in a 2.5mm TS plug into the side of the large tape recorder and used the very scientific approach of shorting its connections with a screwdriver to simulate the relay switching "on" and was surprised to see quite large sparks. I measured the DC current through the remote control switch when the cassette was running and it was only around 70mA at its highest – well below the 1A rating of the relay – however I reckon there is a very large inrush current when the motor kicks in that is sufficient to weld the reed switch contacts together, causing it to get stuck.
Why didn't this affect the circuit on the breadboard? In that setup I was using a 3.5mm TS extension cable connected to a 3.5mm male-to-male adaptor cable which was then connected to a 3.5mm to a 2.5mm adaptor cable. My assumption is that all of the extra contact resistances were helping to limit the inrush current, preventing the contacts from welding together.
It's very likely not the best sort of snubber circuit for this application but for the time being I've put a 10Ω resistor in series with the relay contacts, which limits the inrush current enough for the relay not to get stuck:
One matter that I've also been testing is the phase of the audio signal. As far as I can tell Acorn's tape format assumes a 180° phase; that is to say that each wave cycle starts at 180° and runs to 180°+360°=540° for a complete cycle rather than starting at 0° and running to 360°. The result of this is that instead of the signal starting at an amplitude of 0, then going positive before negative (as you'd expect for a typical sine wave) the signal goes negative first:
I have confirmed this by looking at the output of tools like PlayUEF as well as looking at the signals coming directly off commercially pre-recorded tapes with BBC Micro software on them, after first confirming that my sound card doesn't invert the signal by briefly connecting its input to a positive DC power supply and seeing that the received signal goes positive when that happens. Here's an example of a commercially-released tape, where you can see that after the high-frequency cycles in the first longer wave (a "zero" bit, acting as the start bit, starting at around 12.7065) starts low then goes high:
I then generated a test tone that alternates between 0 and 1 bits, i.e. one complete 1200Hz cycle then two complete 2400Hz cycles with the appropriate 180° phase:
This pattern should make it easy to spot the phase of recordings. I first tried running the test tone straight back into my PC to ensure that the phase was not being reversed by the PC, and got the same signal back in compared to to what I played out, as you'd expect. I then tried recording the signal to tape with my Grundig recorder, and found something interesting when playing it back:
The phase there is very clearly reversed – the signal I played into the tape recorder goes low before it goes high, whereas the signal I've recovered goes high before it goes low. I repeated the test with the Alba tape recorder:
This shows the same thing – the phase on the tape is at 0° even though the test signal was at 180°. I also have a Sony digital voice recorder (an ICD-BX140) that I've been using as well as a tape recorder, so I tried the test with that too:
Apart from the much lower recording level this once again shows the same thing – the signal phase is inverted when recorded.
I had previously encountered an issue where I had tried to make a tape from a UEF image by playing the audio generated by PlayUEF into a tape recorder. Attempting to load the data directly from PlayUEF worked fine, but the tape recording of the same signal wouldn't load. My Grundig tape recorder has a phase reversal switch, and setting it to "reverse" would allow me to load the tape created by recording the output of PlayUEF. However, in that reverse setting, I lost the ability to load from my commercially-recorded tapes. I think the above tests indicate why this is the case – the recorders all invert the signal when creating the tape recording. I find it particularly interesting that the Sony digital voice recorder does the same thing!
I did check to see if the phase switch on the Grundig tape recorder had any influence on the recording, but it doesn't – whether it's set to "normal" or "reverse" the recording to tape still ends up inverted. The phase switch only appears to affect playback.
PlayUEF does have an option to set the output phase to 0° instead of its default 180°. By doing that and recording its output to tape I was able to load the programs directly from either of my tape recorders.
Of course, it would be nice if the loader was able to handle either phase, and in practice I've found it does sometimes handle the "incorrect" phase quite well but it does seem to be more a lot more error prone – some programs load without any problem, others report problems with some blocks and others fail to be detected at all! I think I'll see if there's a way to reliably detect the phase and switch to the appropriate handler, but for the time being I've added a crude workaround – pulling pin 1 of the controller port (the d-pad "Up" input) to ground tells the loader to assume the phase is inverted. As I hope this won't be necessary in future I've left this as a jumper in my current tape interface circuit (visible below in the top left corner) rather than add a switch!
A lot of the work has been focused on the tape loader, but tapes are not the most practical storage media these days. Finding a working tape recorder is a challenge in its own right, and a lot of the old tapes are tricky to work with as they've become sticky with age. In an attempt to be a bit more modern I've started integrating support for the VDrive3 to BBC BASIC. This is an inexpensive module that lets you access files on a USB mass storage device via simple commands sent over a serial interface. I'd previously used the VMusic2 device in another project and that uses the same firmware commands so I already had a little experience with it (the VMusic is pretty much a VDrive with an MP3 decoder bolted on top). I already had some serial routines written so it was a reasonably easy job to plumb in some code to handle LOADing and SAVEing programs, and from a hardware perspective all you need is a cable to connect the module directly to the Master System's controller port – the VDrive3 uses 3.3V signalling levels but its I/O lines are 5V tolerant.
One notable advantage of the VDrive3 over the tape interface is that it allows for proper random-access of files rather than just sequential access. I've been working on implementing all of the required BASIC statements to support this (OPENIN, OPENOUT, OPENUP, BGET#, BPUT#, PTR#, EXT#, EOF#, CLOSE# etc). For a bit of fun I wrote a BASIC program that loads an image file from disk (or tape) and displays it on screen. I needed to add user-defined character support to the new reduced-resolution MODE 2 to handle this (something that was not implemented before due to a lack of VRAM) but with that in place it's working pretty well.
It's not fast, taking 2m45s to load from from tape and 1m19s from a USB flash drive, but it's a fun diversion!
USB remote control receiver for PowerDVD
Monday, 7th June 2010
I enjoy watching films and mainly do so sitting at my desktop PC. This has taught me that cheap office chairs are not the most comfortable things to sit on for extended periods of time, especially when the next room contains a comfortable bean bag and a good place to stick a screen. A gap between the two rooms allows me to pass cables from one to the other, and after purchasing a 10m DVI-D cable and a USB extension lead on eBay I had both picture and sound sorted out (I use a USB sound "card"). This left me with one final problem: how to control the PC through a wall.
One possibility would be to extend the lead on my keyboard, but its media buttons light up (bothersome in a darkened room) and some of the keyboard shortcuts in PowerDVD (such as Ctrl+P for the popup menu when watching Blu-ray discs) are tricky to hit in the dark. Given my fondness for infra-red remote controls building a remote control receiver would seem like both an interesting and useful way to spend a weekend.
Rather than build something that relied on some Windows software to translate received remote control signals into keystrokes I decided to use the free V-USB library to construct something that showed up in Windows as a standard USB keyboard. One of the sample V-USB projects is a USB keyboard, which made getting started much easier! The above photograph shows the initial prototype, based around an ATmega168. The tall three-legged component sticking up out of the board is a TSOP2438, which is an infra-red receiver and demodulator. This is tuned to the 38kHz carrier employed by most remote controls and outputs a logic low or logic high depending on the presence or absence of such a signal. The ATmega168 is programmed to time the incoming signal and passes this timing information to a collection of routines that attempt to decode it. I have currently two decoders, one for the NEC protocol and another for SIRCS — information about some common protocols can be found on this website.
The choice of these two protocols is down to the remote controls I have around me. The one that offered me the most useful buttons was the PlayStation 2 DVD remote control (SIRCS), though this is missing some useful controls, such as volume and the red, green, yellow and blue buttons. To remedy this I went and bought a cheap universal remote control from Clas Ohlson. After hunting through several of the modes I settled on the Clas Ohlson DVD one (0815) as most of the buttons work in this mode (the only unshifted one that doesn't is the record button, and I can live without it). In this mode the remote control uses the NEC protocol.
To turn the receiver into something more conveniently sized I decided to switch from the 28-pin ATmega168 to the 14-pin ATtiny84, shown in the above photograph. The compiled program was already small enough to fit into the reduced memory, and the only modification I had to make was to amend two timing routines to share the same timer peripheral as the ATtiny84 only has two timers, not the three I'd been using on the ATmega168.
I also opted to add a switch to the design. One problem with supporting both Blu-ray and DVD is that the way you navigate menus is quite different between the two; Blu-ray discs use a simple popup menu (Ctrl+P) which appears on top of the film, whereas DVDs seem to offer a number of different menu commands — the two most common ones being "Title menu" (no shortcut) and "Root menu" (J). PowerDVD also lets you choose from a list of DVD menus in a context menu with one shortcut (L). I set the button on the receiver to switch between "Blu-ray" and "DVD" modes; in Blu-ray mode, the menu button sends Ctrl+P and in DVD mode the menu button sends L.
I bought an enclosure that is, in retrospect, a little too small. The above photograph shows the receiver assembled on stripboard with a fairly cramped layout. Fortunately there was sufficient room to include pin headers on the board, which will allow me to plug in a programmer to modify the software should I need to in the future. The LED on the front serves as simple user feedback — it flashes whenever it receives a valid command and sends a keystroke back to the PC. When the mode is toggled between Blu-ray and DVD menus it flashes to indicate the new mode — a long flash followed by a single short one for Blu-ray, a long flash followed by two short ones for DVD.
Overall, I'm quite happy with the way it turned out. It works well enough for my needs, though as those needs only extend as far as PowerDVD and a particular remote control it's rather basic and much more could be done with the hardware. I have uploaded the source code and a schematic for the project to my website as it currently stands for those who are interested.
USB joypads and text on your TV courtesy of an ATmega168
Saturday, 14th November 2009
Nearly a month since my last update - my, how time flies when you're having fun (or a heavy workload).
I ended up building myself a cheap and cheerful SI Prog programmer for AVR development. After installing the development tools, scanning through the documentation and writing the microcontroller equivalent of Hello, World (flashing an LED on and off) I needed to find a suitable project. The first one was getting to grips with V-USB, a software USB implementation for AVRs. All you need for this are a couple of I/O pins, a few configuration file changes to set your USB device's vendor ID, product ID and device class, and a few lines of C code to actually implement your device. I attached six tactile switches to an ATmega168 and made the most uncomfortable USB joypad I've ever used. I managed two levels of Sonic the Hedgehog before my thumbs admitted defeat, but it's nice to know that building USB devices is very easy with an AVR.
#include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include "usbdrv.h" /* Joystick port bits */ #define JOY_1 (1<<0) #define JOY_2 (1<<1) #define JOY_UP (1<<2) #define JOY_DOWN (1<<3) #define JOY_LEFT (1<<4) #define JOY_RIGHT (1<<5) /* USB HID report descriptor */ PROGMEM char usbHidReportDescriptor[USB_CFG_HID_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH] = { 0x05, 0x01, // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop) 0x09, 0x05, // USAGE (Game Pad) 0xa1, 0x01, // COLLECTION (Application) 0x09, 0x01, // USAGE (Pointer) 0xa1, 0x00, // COLLECTION (Physical) 0x09, 0x30, // USAGE (X) 0x09, 0x31, // USAGE (Y) 0x15, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) 0x26, 0xff, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (255) 0x75, 0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (8) 0x95, 0x02, // REPORT_COUNT (2) 0x81, 0x02, // INPUT (Data,Var,Abs) 0xc0, // END_COLLECTION 0x05, 0x09, // USAGE_PAGE (Button) 0x19, 0x01, // USAGE_MINIMUM (Button 1) 0x29, 0x02, // USAGE_MAXIMUM (Button 2) 0x15, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) 0x25, 0x01, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (1) 0x75, 0x01, // REPORT_SIZE (1) 0x95, 0x08, // REPORT_COUNT (8) 0x81, 0x02, // INPUT (Data,Var,Abs) 0xc0 // END_COLLECTION }; static uchar reportBuffer[3]; /* Buffer for HID reports */ static uchar idleRate; /* 4 ms units */ uchar usbFunctionSetup(uchar data[8]) { usbRequest_t *rq = (void*)data; usbMsgPtr = reportBuffer; if ((rq->bmRequestType & USBRQ_TYPE_MASK) == USBRQ_TYPE_CLASS) { switch (rq->bRequest) { case USBRQ_HID_GET_REPORT: return sizeof(reportBuffer); case USBRQ_HID_GET_IDLE: usbMsgPtr = &idleRate; return 1; case USBRQ_HID_SET_IDLE: idleRate = rq->wValue.bytes[1]; break; } } return 0; } ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) { /* Fetch input */ uchar input = ~PINC; /* X-axis */ switch (input & (JOY_LEFT | JOY_RIGHT)) { case JOY_LEFT: reportBuffer[0] = 0; break; case JOY_RIGHT: reportBuffer[0] = 255; break; default: reportBuffer[0] = 128; break; } /* Y-axis */ switch (input & (JOY_UP | JOY_DOWN)) { case JOY_UP: reportBuffer[1] = 0; break; case JOY_DOWN: reportBuffer[1] = 255; break; default: reportBuffer[1] = 128; break; } /* Buttons */ reportBuffer[2] = input & (JOY_1 | JOY_2); usbPoll(); usbSetInterrupt(reportBuffer, sizeof(reportBuffer)); }; int main(void) { usbInit(); /* Initialise USB. */ PORTC = 0b00111111; /* Pull high PORTC0..PORTC5 */ TCCR0B = 0b00000101; /* CS2..CS0 = 101: prescaler = /1024 */ TIMSK0 |= (1 << TOIE0); /* Enable timer 0 overflow interrupt. */ sei(); /* Enable global interrupts. */ for (;;) { /* Infinite loop */ } }
I should only really call usbSetInterrupt when a button or axis has changed, rather than every loop, but the above code works as is.
One thing that always bothers me when it comes to electronic projects is the difficulty of providing text output. LCDs are generally quite expensive and low resolution, and typically require a great many pins to drive them. Video display processor chips are difficult to find, and appear to require quite complex external circuitry (the best thing I've found thus far are some TMS9918 chips being sold as spares for MSX computers). Having briefly experimented with generating PAL video signals in software before, I thought I'd try the two-resistor approach to getting PAL video output on an ATmega168.
I had a hunt around and found AVGA, which is close to what I wanted - video output from an AVR using cheap hardware. However, it outputs RGB directly, and I don't own a TV or RGB converter so couldn't use that - all I have is a VGA box (accepting composite or S-Video input) and a TV capture card (also only accepting composite or S-Video input). AVGA does work with VGA monitors, but I'd like to keep the hardware interface simple - just two resistors, ideally.
In the end, I ended up writing my own library. It currently has the following specifications:
- 32×16 characters: 512 bytes (half of the total SRAM on the ATmega168) are used to store the text buffer.
- Full 256 characters at a resolution of 6×8 pixels each.
- Total screen resolution: 192×128.
The library is interrupt-driven, and uses the sixteen-bit TIMER1 to schedule events. This means that the AVR is only busy generating video signals when it absolutely has to, leaving some CPU time to the user program. When outputting at full quality, the AVR appears to be capable of running user code at 3.3 MIPS, but by skipping alternate scanlines (each scanline is scanned twice anyway, so this mainly just makes the display appear darker) the AVR appears to be running user code at 9.9 MIPS. (I say "appears" as my calculation has been to execute a busy loop that would normally take one second on the AVR running at its normal 20 MIPS then seeing how long it takes with the video output driver enabled).
The above video demonstrates some of the currently rather limited features of the library. The text console handles a subset of the BBC Micro VDU commands - I'd like to support as many of its features as possible. The code behind the BASIC-like part of the demo is simply written like this:
#include "tvtext/tvtext.h" void type_string_P(const char* s) { char c; while ((c = pgm_read_byte(s++))) { tvtext_putc(c); delay_ms(100); } } int main(void) { tvtext_init(); tvtext_clear(); tvtext_puts_P(PSTR("AVR Computer 1K\r\n\nATmega 168\r\n\nBASIC\r\n\n>")); delay_ms(2000); type_string_P(PSTR("10 PRINT \"AVR Rules! \";\r\n")); tvtext_putc('>'); delay_ms(500); type_string_P(PSTR("20 GOTO 10\r\n")); tvtext_putc('>'); delay_ms(500); type_string_P(PSTR("RUN")); delay_ms(1000); tvtext_puts_P(PSTR("\r\n")); for (int i = 0; i <= 200; ++i) { tvtext_puts_P(PSTR("AVR Rules! ")); delay_ms(20); } tvtext_puts_P(PSTR("\r\nEscape at line 10\r\n>")); delay_ms(1000); type_string_P(PSTR("CHAIN \"DEMO\"")); delay_ms(1000); // ... }
All of the high-level console code - text output, viewport scrolling, cursor positioning &c - has been written in C, so should be relatively easy to be customised. The output driver itself has been written in assembly as timing is critically important.
With a few more features and a bit of tidying up I hope that people would find this a useful library. I'd certainly like to get a blinking cursor working within the driver, and if I add support for a reduced 128-character version I could save quite a bit of ROM space and add support for "coloured" - inverted, that is - text. NTSC support would also be quite useful.
VMusic2 - USB for the 83+
Monday, 21st May 2007
The TI-83+ lacks something the 84+ series has - a USB port.
Enter the VMusic2. This low-cost (£25) module offers a USB host controller with a simple serial interface that can be used to read/write FAT-formatted USB mass storage devices. It can also play MP3 files straight from the drive!
This is all very well, but the TI doesn't have a standard serial port either. To handle communications between the two, therefore, is a PICAXE-28X1 microcontroller.
The TI can then run a program that communicates using its standard linking protocol.
I've posted a thread on MaxCoderz with more information about the project. For those interested in the VMusic2 device, here's a datasheet and here are the commands.
Yes, I know I should probably get a life. I blame the solder fumes.
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